Local Government
City of Albany
Shire of Boyanup
City of Busselton
Shire of Carnamah
Town of Claremont
City of Cockburn
Town of Cottesloe
Shire of Cranbrook
City of Fremantle
Shire of Dumbleyung
Shire of Dundas
Shire of Esperance
Shire of Gnowangerup
Shire of Harvey
Shire of Jerramungup
City of Kalamunda
Shire of Katanning
Shire of Kent
Shire of Kojonup
Shire of Kondinin
Shire of Koorda
Shire of Lake Grace
Shire of Manjimup
Shire of Menzies
Shire of Mullewa
Shire of Nannup
Shire of Narrogin
City of Nedlands
Shire of Nyabing
Shire of Perenjori
City of Perth
Shire of Plantagenet
Shire of Ravensthorpe
City of Stirling
City of Subiaco
City of Swan
Shire of Three Springs
Shire of Toodyay
Shire of Wagin
Shire of York
Private Businesses and Departments
Aurora Environmental
Museum of WA
Great Southern Grammar
Great Southern Community Housing
Greenskills Denmark
Pioneer Medical
South Regional TAFE, Albany
Southern Ports Albany
Hopetoun CRC
Harley Global
Urban + Landscape Design
Landscape design
Townscape revitalisation
Public place and streetscape design
Streetscape colour and material palettes
Street furniture design and technical manuals
Planting plans
Residential subdivision landscape and urban design
Visitor site enhancement plans
Garden design
Strategic Planning
Landscape masterplanning
Public and private urban design guidelines
Urban design strategies
Project staging advice
Landscape and reserve management plans
Trails + Interpretation
Trail strategies and design
Interpretation design
Cultural heritage landscape and setting design
Public art project management
Illustration + Photoshop
Before and after photoshops
Landscape concept plans
Urban guideline illustrations
Posters and diagrams
Research and report writing
Creative economy advice
Colleagues I love to partner with:
Donna Cameron Design - dcdesign
Helen Leighton Garden and Floral Design
Jacqui Grieve - Spurr of the Moment Graphic Design
Jesse Brampton - Kulbardi Hill Consulting
Lawrence Cuthbert - Civitas Projects
Melanie Price - Aurora Environmental
Nathan McQuoid - Landscape Ecologist
Fred Wallefeld - Engineer Stantec Albany